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Good Good Father

​Ephesians 2:19-22

After reading today's passage my mind spoke one word, unity. Unity not in the sense of we are equal or one love as Bob Marley would sing, but one nation. Israel was God's chosen nation, but they rejected Jesus as their Savior, the promised one, and thus suffered the consequences. In this short passage, we see the unity of believers, the church. Through faith in Christ, we enter God's family with God as our Father. 

Father. A title that can either bring comfort and joy or anger and resentment. The world we live in today holds this title over our heads as an option in the family, but to God, it's not. God tells both parents in Proverbs 22:6 that they are responsible to start children off on the way they should go, on the right path so that when they are older they will not choose another. Unfortunately, a man who has been charged to lead a family by God is often seen today as one who falls short of that command. Whether by absence, personal sin, or simply selfishness in some way, shape or form. But God will never lead us astray. God is the Father that will never leave, never fail, and will always guide us in the right path, that is if we choose to obey him. Just like our earthly parents we as children no matter what age we are, need to obey them (Eph. 6:1). If God sets this command before us for our earthly parents how much more should we obey our Heavenly Father? This Heavenly Father shows us both grace and mercy continually, through Christ who has raised us from the dead and made us heirs of salvation.

 Have you personally experienced the grace of God? Are you spiritually dead? Are you distant from God? I urge you to turn to Christ by faith and trust Him with everything. Trust in His payment for sin in His death, burial, and resurrection. I encourage you as believers to help others come to trust in this good Father. You have been raised from the dead—do you "walk in newness of life"? Romans 6:4- We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. 

​-Malachi  Hall

Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash



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