Blog - Word of Life - Bermuda

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God is Just

God is Just
2 Kings 9:1-10, 30-37 Jehu is appointed to be the next king of Israel, and he was commanded to kill Jezebel once and  for all and leave her to be eaten up by the dogs. Initially, this might cause us to wonder why God  would allow such intense violence to occur. Perhaps, this might lead us to contemplate on all the  lives that were en...
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2374 Hits

Do You Have This Hope?

Do You Have This Hope?
Ephesians 3:1-7 Paul talks about the idea of being stewards of God's grace or being made a minister according to the gift of God's grace because of the gospel. In context with everything that Paul has been talking about so far, I am starting to understand that God desires to bring every nation together in unity in order to build His church. He desi...
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1708 Hits

Good Good Father

Good Good Father
​Ephesians 2:19-22 After reading today's passage my mind spoke one word, unity. Unity not in the sense of we are equal or one love as Bob Marley would sing, but one nation. Israel was God's chosen nation, but they rejected Jesus as their Savior, the promised one, and thus suffered the consequences. In this short passage, we see the unity of believe...
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1729 Hits