Blog - Word of Life - Bermuda

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We Believe!

We Believe!
2 Kings 7:1-11 After a time of famine, the Lord finally declares through Elisha that there will be food which will be sold the next day. The passage then focuses on 4 individuals who had leprosy, who were seeking for food and shelter. It is hard to imagine how it must have felt to be suffering from an illness during a time when there was no food or...
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2230 Hits

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
Ephesians 3:8-13 God is in control. He is not only in control of you but every believer, unbeliever, every angel and demon, things seen and unseen, God has it all in his hands. The children's Sunday school song He's Got the Whole in His Hands is very true. There is nothing that escapes God. Stop and think about it. If God is who He says He is, then...
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2138 Hits