Blog - Word of Life - Bermuda

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We Believe!

We Believe!
2 Kings 7:1-11 After a time of famine, the Lord finally declares through Elisha that there will be food which will be sold the next day. The passage then focuses on 4 individuals who had leprosy, who were seeking for food and shelter. It is hard to imagine how it must have felt to be suffering from an illness during a time when there was no food or...
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2230 Hits

Believe in The Light!

John 12:27-43 English Standard Version (ESV) What is the writer saying ? As I read this passage I realized that Jesus makes so many powerful and important statements in His exchanges with the crowd. "Walk in the light while you have the light...believe in the light, so you may be sons of light." There are two responses: Believing God's truth opens ...
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1770 Hits