Blog - Word of Life - Bermuda

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I Am Who I Am!

I Am Who I Am!
Exodus 3:13-22 OBSERVATION : 'I will send you to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt', but Moses HEARD and asked; 'Who am I that I should bring the people out of Egypt?' "God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And he said, "Say this to the people of Israel: 'I AM has sent me to you.'" (v.14) The name God gave Moses and the Israelites...
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1777 Hits

The God of Miracles

The God of Miracles
Exodus 1:1-14 Israel quickly becomes an incredibly strong nation after the death of Joseph. At this time, Israel was multiplying, however, a new Pharaoh rose to power in Egypt. As a result of this, he made sure that the Israelites would suffer, for as long as possible. He had slave masters over them, and forced them to work hard labor and treated t...
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1693 Hits

God's Power on Display

God's Power on Display
Psalm 114:1-8 ESV This is a short psalm remembering the salvation of the nation of Israel. The Lord led Israel out of Egypt under Moses with a powerful display of His might; The Red Sea dried up and later the Jordan River dried up to enter the Promised Land. When God moves for His people the earth trembles and rocks give water when needed. Applicat...
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1806 Hits

Ruled by The Word

John 12:44-50 ESV "I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness." (John 12:46) Jesus came to save the lost and to heal the blind. As a child, your mom might have told you that your actions have consequences. She may have also reminded you not to act foolishly or even quoted James 4:17, "so...
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1687 Hits

Believe in The Light!

John 12:27-43 English Standard Version (ESV) What is the writer saying ? As I read this passage I realized that Jesus makes so many powerful and important statements in His exchanges with the crowd. "Walk in the light while you have the light...believe in the light, so you may be sons of light." There are two responses: Believing God's truth opens ...
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1771 Hits